Thursday, November 4, 2010

Canton Degin

 Chapter 2.
Fredrick was deep in the mine, using his natural instincts to travel through the labyrinth. He was very exhausted and almost ready to faint, not knowing how long he spent trying to get to his destination. The time seemed to vanish and so did the kerosene in the lantern. He was so close to giving up, until he realized he must survive. Walking slowly and almost through the mine maze he was relieved to be done with this short journey, he would only have to deal with much more journeys to come.
    He neared the exit, and saw the light which pierced his eyes as he continued outside. Degin ended up deep in a forest. The trees and shrubs surrounded him and the wind blew hard, it started to rain. He searched for shelter but couldn’t find anything having no other protection he was forced to sit under a tree. The rain started to pour even harder and the tree was of no use; the droplets soaked into his cloak and caused him to tremble without control. He seemed to be losing his senses. His body became stiff, numb, and his mind was clouded with worry. All of a sudden his mind gave out, and all he saw was the dimming forest setting.
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