Monday, April 16, 2012

Word of the Day

Proprioception  (prō'prē-ō-sěp'shən) n.
The unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body itself. In humans, these stimuli are detected by nerves within the body itself, as well as by the semicircular canals of the inner ear. - The American Heritage Science Dictionary

In other words, Proprioception is your ability to perceive your own position in space and objects around you.
Example: I am able to coordinate my arm and hand, and grasp with my fingers to pick up a cup of coffee standing on the table. I am also able to walk around the room without crashing into obstacles like living room furnishings.

Its something we don't naturally think about, but once you do; your amazed at how we are able to effortlessly move our bodies around world clutter. 

Above is a diagram showing how a impulse is sent from the brain to the muscle to stimulate a muscle contraction


There are some really awesome web sites out there, but here are the ones I really like. Hope you enjoy!
  • Grooveshark is the world's largest on-demand music streaming and discovery service. Listen to your favorite music, create playlists, discover new tunes, and share it all with friends via Facebook, Twitter, social news sites, and more. Its free with basic sign up, with minor advertisement videos.
  • As a member of the community, you can create your own personal music experience by building playlists for every mood, genre, activity and occasion. You can recommend music to others, share your playlists on your social network profile or blog. Also no music downloads, and its free!
  • If your bored and have nothing to do, simply go to StumbleUpon; it will entertain you.StumbleUpon will help you easily discover new and interesting stuff on the Web. Also its free to to sign up!
  • "Etsy is the world’s handmade marketplace.Our mission is to empower people to change the way the global economy works. We see a world in which very-very small businesses have much-much more sway in shaping the economy, local living economies are thriving everywhere, and people value authorship and provenance as much as price and convenience. We are bringing heart to commerce and making the world more fair, more sustainable, and more fun." Start your own business online, you can sell and buy things from other businesses. Small fees are taken when you sell things, but that's how it works.
  • Online map, similar to Google Maps. You can get directions and maps. Also includes lodging, restaurant, travel services, shopping, actives and local services of the location you enter.
  • "At Lumos Labs, we believe in improving brains — and lives. That’s why we created the most effective online tool for cognitive enhancement. Drawing on the newest developments in neuroscience, offers brain training exercises that work. Regardless of your age, Lumosity can make you smarter and more mentally fit. If you want a brighter brain, join today." It offers a free trial but then you must pay for an upgrade.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Growing my Avocado Plant

Last month I decided to grow an avocado plant, right from its seed. Researching more about this, I hit the web. Typing in How to grow an avocado seed. Many websites popped up, looking through a few. I got the basics of how the process works.
First, cut open a ripe avocado and pull out the seed.
Second, wash the seed, so its clean.
Third, get any cup that you won't use for a while, fill it with some water.
Fourth, lightly stab the avocado seed with about 3-4 toothpicks on the circumference of the seed, at a slight angle, so when you prop it into the cup with the water it is suspended on the toothpicks and edge of the cup.
Fifth, once it is propped add more/less water, so the seed is covered with liquid about an inch. 
Sixth, set the cup with suspended seed into a warm and lightly sunny place.
Seventh, the seed should sprout some roots in about 2-3 weeks. Also, change out the water every so often, so its clean.
Eighth, once the plant stem has emerged from the seed and grown 7-8 inches with a couple of leaves, it is time to trim it. The trimming, will cause the plant to be more fuller as it grows.
Ninth, when the plant has matured, you can plant the seed into a pot, covering the seed half way though with soil. Keep the soil damp, but not soaked.
Tenth, that's pretty much it, now just watch your plant grow. Remember that avocado plants love warm climates, if its always cold you might consider keeping it inside.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Divinity Soleil
The sun gradually advances
Beams of gold and precious colors
Cherished, loved light fades
Lonely earth beneath
 But, tranquil with peace of day’s release
Nightfall struck
Taking over
Tucking and pulling
Come dawn
With its pride
And moon starts to reside
Also shinnying
Pure glow
Accompanying, come stars too
Like individual diamonds
Afloat, red, yellow and blue
Rotating in cosmos
Our planet rests
Once, full cycle complete
Bust of light lusters
As molten sphere appears
Restores existence
And mortal life
Where the cycle ends
But faith restores
In eternal life
In paradise
Worshiped and praised
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


I've recently ran into this different music on, and for some reason I fell in love with it. Afro Celt Sound System is a group of musicians that combined many different types of music to create a totally new taste of music. Mixing Irish Celtic, dance beats, electronic trances, and west African sounds. Members include; Simon Emmerson (guitar, production), N'Faly Kouyate (kora, balaphon, ngoma drums, vocals), Moussa Sissokho (djembe, talking drum), James McNally (Bodhrán, accordion, whistle), Johnny Kalsi (Dhol Foundation bandleader; Dhol), Iarla Ó Lionáird (vocals), Emer Mayock (tin whistle, flute, uillean pipes) and Martin Russell (keyboards, producing, engineering, programming).

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2011 to 2012

Wow 2011 went by so fast, and its already the 5th of 2012. It seems that everything is getting faster ans faster and we can not control it. What if the world started spinning faster but we never noticed. The days started to end faster, first early a minute or two then whole hours. I don't know but sometimes it feels like that. No wonder they say "life is short live it while you can."
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